Saturday, July 10, 2010

365+ movies in 365 Days: Day 70 -Sleeper

Today's movie was the 1973 comedy Sleeper. The film is one of Woody Allen's early "funny ones" and Allen not only starred but also wrote and directed the film. A tri-fecta he would accomplish over and over again in his career.

I have been a Woody Allen fan since I saw Take The Money And Run at the Pequa Theatre when I was 10 years old. As Allen grew as a film maker he created some excellent films; Annie Hall, Manhattan, Hannah And her Sisters, Radio Days, Crimes and Misdemeanors and Match Point to name a few, but I have a soft spot for the early films I saw in my youth.

Sleepers is one of his more brilliant ones. It's a wild slapstick, comedy with a try anything for a laugh feel. Between all the gags Allen still takes time to make humorous comedy on politics, sex, education, religion, God and Judaism. When I thirteen half the jokes went over my head and I still thought the film was hilarious. Now I get all the jokes and understand the genius behind how Allen structures his comedy and the self deprecating humor he uses. he is never afraid to look foolish to land a laugh, or make a joke at his own expense.

His later career was over shadowed by his personal life and I have also found that there are a lot of people that don't "get" him and always skip his films. They don't know what they are missing.

At the Movie House rating ***1/2


Anonymous said...

I remember this film being a letdown for me. After take the Money and Bannanas, the hope was this one would be the funniest but I recall being disappointed as it seemed forced. however, that was many years ago so I would need to see it again for an accurate appraisal. My guess would be that 3.5 stars seems generous. Simply for comparison sake, just on recollection, I think I would vewnture to give Take the Money 4 stars (yes, I beleive it is a great film) and bananas 3.5 stars...Sleepers a distant third at 2.5...I do not remember any of the gags from Sleepers while i remember many from the other two.
I will conced that this is very much a taste movie and you obviously enjoyed it so therein lied the 3.5 stars for you.

I wonder what thya other anonymous idiot thinks

Joe Fitzpatrick said...

I am afraid I don't agree. Take The Money And Run is sheer genius and is one of the first moc-umentaries and is hysterical. Bananas was a step down with a thin plot and a throw anything at the wall and see if it sticks approach to comedy. There are a number of bits that fall flat.

Sleeper, Allen's 4th film, has a much more cohesive plot and is extremely inventive with the futuristic gags and jokes. Plus it has Diane Keaton who would prove to be a great foil to Allen's zaniest and a brilliant comedian in her own right.

Joe Fitzpatrick said...

By the way, when I reviewd Take The Money And Run in May I gace it 4 stars.