Friday, January 21, 2011

365+ Movies In 365 Days: Day 265 - Hot Millions

Hot Millions is a romantic comedy caper film written by and starring Peter Ustinov. The film also stars Maggie Smith, Karl Malden and in his second film role, Bob Newhart.

Ustinov is Marcus Pendelton, a con-artist who is just released from prison for embezzlement. While he was incarcerated the world has changed. Now accounting is done with computers. As Pendelton renews his life of crime he must find a way to out wit these over-sized calculators.

He cons computer programmer Caesar Smith (Robert Morley) to go on a safari in South America and then assumes his identity. After being hired at a British based American company he figures out how to use the computer to send checks to himself under multiple identities. 

The film is much more a crime comedy than a caper film, and its view of computers is dated, but it is thoroughly enjoyable to watch Ustinov work his magic on film. 

At The Movie House rating ***

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