Sunday, April 17, 2011

365+ Movies In 365 Days: Day 343 - Tron

With the release of Tron: Legacy on DVD and Blu-ray Disney finally released the original Tron. It was surprising that Disney did not release this last fall before the Tron: legacy arrived in theatres. I wonder if they felt the more cartoonish and childish aspects of the original Tron would turn audiences off to the sequel.

The original Tron is a landmark in computer animated effects. it is definitely dated, but still has a cool unique look about it that puts it some place between a live action movie and an animated feature. The director achieved what he was going for, a 1980's style video game come to life.

The story follows Joe Flynn (Jeff Bridges) a computer animator who gets pulled into the digital world of his computer and, with the help of Tron (Bruce Boxleitner) a computer warrior, he must fight the MCP (Master Control Program) to escape back to the real world

Tron is one of the most unique films Disney Studios ever released and one of the few movies of worth that came out of the studio during the 1980's. The Blu-ray reproduction is a stunning mix of sight and sound and worth checking out.

At the Movie House rating *** stars.

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