Monday, October 11, 2010

365+ movies in 365 Days: Day 163 - The Mist

The Mist is an old-fashioned monster movie, quite different than the "splatter porn" that Hollywood is churning out these days. Based on a 1980 novella by Stephen King, The Mist is the third story by King to be directed by Frank Darabont.

After a violent storm strikes a New England town, many of the locals and tourists visit the market to stock up on supplies. While in the market a strange mist begins to flow into town. Suddenly a man comes running into the market, his face all bloody, screaming their is something in the mist.  The crowd in the market all stare through the big glass windows into the swirl of gray fog that has enveloped their town, wondering who will be the first to go out side.

The film is both a monster movie and a morality play. It is very similar to the Twilight Zone episode The Monsters Are Due on Maple Street. The people in the market become divided into two groups. The small practical band, led by David Drayton (Thomas Jane) who focus on survival, and a group that begins to follow the religious zealot Mrs. Carmody (Marcia Gay Harden). Until now Mrs. Carmody had been viewed as unstable by the rest of the townspeople, but now she is regarded as a prophet with tales of the end of days. Andre Braugher leads another group of citizens who are skeptical that there is anything dangerous in the Mist.

The movie has enough scare and gore moments to satisfy any monster movie fanatic, but also has enough drama to keep the action movie at a reasonable pace. Darabont chose to change the ending of the story, with King's blessing, and takes another page from The Twilight Zone.

A gripping and chilling monster movie.

At The Movie House rating *** stars

Other Films of Interest:
The Fog
The Crawling Eye
Night Of the Living dead
Dawn Of the Dead
30 Days Of Night
The Omega Man
I Am Legend
The Thing

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have not seen the Fog or the Mist, and until now didn't realize there were two different movies on a similar subject...based on your reviews I will look to watch the Mist bit will pass on the Fog...Taking a great line from Animal House and putting a twist on it (when the girl falls from the sky into the kids arms), I say, Thank you Mr. Moviehouse!!