Tuesday, December 28, 2010

365+ Movies in 365 days: Day 240 - The Red Balloon

The Red Balloon is a Oscar winning short film about a boy and a red balloon. It's story is so simple and yet so magical that this small film garnered international acclaim upon it's release in 1956.

The film opens with a French boy going to school. On the way he discovers a red balloon tangled on a lamppost. he climbs the pole and frees the balloon and walks off with his new toy. He soon discovers the balloon behaves with a will of it's own and behaves like a pet dog or new friend. The balloon follows the boy, plays games with him and even waits, floating in mid-air, outside his apartment window. The film itself has been seen as an allegory for Christianity. It shows both good and evil side of human nature.

Directed by Albert Lamorisse, the film has very little dialogue and relies on the visuals and a wonderful music score to set the tone of the film. Lamorisse used his own son and daughter in the film and created a magical parable about childhood, friendship and imagination.

The movie is popular withe educators and I know it was shown in one of my grade school classrooms. 

At The Movie House rating **** stars

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