Sunday, April 17, 2011

365+ Movies In 365 Days: Day 347 - The Terminal

The Terminal is a unique failure by director Steven Spielberg. It tells the story of a man with out a country trapped at JFK International Airport and it's neither especially dramatic or funny.

Viktor Navorski (Tom Hanks) arrives in the U.S. from his home country of Krakozia. While he was en route a civil war occurred, the Krakozian government toppled and his passport and travel visa are no longer valid. Without proper papers he is refused entry into the United States and takes up residence inside the International arrivals and departure terminal at JFK.

The movie tells of Viktor's attempt to go to New York City to fulfill a promise to his father, and of Frank Dixon's (Stanley Tucci), the head of Customs and Border Protection, attempts to get Viktor out of his airport.

Everything that happens is at the contrivance of the script. Hanks gives a strong performance as fish out of water foreigner, but everyone else, especially Tucci is written as a two dimensional character. The film has comments to make about American consumerism, but mostly falls flat in its attempt at comedy.

As I have said befog even Spielberg's worst films are better than most directors good stuff and the recreation of an entire functioning airport terminal is something to be seen. Every store and restaurant was fully functioning with properly trained crew members.

Worth a look but not Spielberg's best.

At The Movie House rating **1/2 stars.


Anonymous said...

hmmm...some very good reviews as of late, we are increasing your accuracy ratings to 73.7%...up from 32.4% when your journey started...We also noted how you ignored our commentary under amistad. How is oyur career in the movie industry going, your fans would like to know

Joe Fitzpatrick said...

Dear Anonymous,
Since all my reviews are my opinions my accuracy rate is always 100%. Your level of agreeing with the viewppoints expressed here are at about 12% but that is to be expected from an unsophisticated movie watcher such as yourself.

Commentary was not ignored. Just responding in our own good time.

Movie career going fine. gearing up for busy season.