Tuesday, July 13, 2010

365+ movies in 365 Days: Day 73 - Collateral

I missed Collateral when it came out in the theatres. It was during the fall when I was moving to San Francisco. I am so happy I finally had an opportunity to watch.

The plot revolves around a hit man, played by Tom Cruise, who ends up forcing a taxi driver, played by Jamie Fox, to take him on his appointments. But just like 3:10 To Yuma, this film is really about conversations between two men. Jamie Fox is a dreamer who is letting life pass him by. Tom Cruise believes he is living a life of "doing things" but he is really lifeless inside. Fate has brought these men together and eventually into conflict.

Unlike most modern thrillers, the movie does not rely on non-stop action set pieces to drive the film. In fact there isn't a single car chase in the entire movie. And the film is set in L.A., the land of car chases. Instead the film relies on a series of conversations, each almost like it's own short film, that reveals much about the characters, with extremely convincing dialogue.

I loved this movie and wish I had seen it in a theatre. Tom Cruise gives another stellar performance and anyone who thinks his career is over should just watch this film again. And Jamie Fox was just a year away from winning his Oscar for his portrayal of Ray Charles in Ray. Both men give riveting performances, but Cruise is the one to watch.

The film is directed by Michael Mann and he does a magnificent job of capturing the look and feel of Los Angeles. The film has a unique look to it captured by the use of digital cameras. That plus a smart score and use of recorded music really add to the film.

At The Movie House rating ***1/2 stars.


Anonymous said...

This is weird...I saw this movie but totally forgot about it. when I saw your poster for it I had a faint recollection. I read your review and I do not know why but I am having trouble remembering this movie even though i saw it...HOWEVER...the funny part is that I remember I liked it very much because it was so unconventional. I obviously will have ot see it again.

By the way, I am a Tom Cruise fan but the movies I like are the off beat ones...Vanella Sky, The one where he plays a positive thinking guru (cant remember the name), his role in that comedy war movie was excellent, the one where he is in the Chinese army, the one he gets all caught up in that sex group in NY (Real weird)...he is a very good actor. Has he won an academy award?

Are you going to be taking any movie recommendations?

Joe Fitzpatrick said...

Dear Anonymous,
The film you can't think of is Magnolia and Cruise does not play a positive thinking guru, he plays a slimeball guru who teaches men how to get women into bed.

Cruise is an excellent actor. He has been nominated three times for an Oscar and has never won.
Born On The 4th of July - Best Actor
Jerry Maguire - Best Actor
Magnolia - Best Supporting Actor

His passion for his work is always on the screen.
Hoffman got all the credit for Rain man, but he is the best thing in the film.

Unfortunately his personal life has always overshadowed his film career. His romance with Nicole Kidman was media fodder for years.

In 2004 when he decided to replace his long term PR person with his sister, another scietologist, it was a huge disaster for him. Being open about his relationship with Katie Holmes and being more forward about scientology, in the age of internet blogging, only created a firestorm of loudmouths with opinions about him. To some there is nothing more satisfying than bring someone who is on top down.

yes the Movie House is always open to receiving film recommendations.

Since then he has released War Of The Worlds, M:I:III,
Lions For Lambs, Valkyrie and Knight And Day