Thursday, July 1, 2010

Favorite 4th of July Movies

 It's the beginning of July so it is time to take a look at some of the best films to watch over the 4th of July Weekend. Turner Classic Movies will dedicate their programming to Independence day themed films all day Sunday. Happy 4th of July!

#1 1776. This movie as one of my all time favorites. It has everything music, comedy, great drama and wonderful dialog. Based on the Broadway musical it's a bawdy, fun look at a pivotal moment in history. 
At The Movie House rating **** stars 

#2 The Music Man. Another musical this one a look back at old town America and the wonderful Harold Hill who touched every heart with a song.
At The Movie House rating ****stars

#3 is Jaws - Mayor Vaughn to Chief Brody "It's the 4th of July, now you do what you have to do, but those beaches will be open for business" nuff said! At the Movie House rating **** stars

#4 Independence Day - Aliens should know better than to invade the U.S.A. on the 4th of July!
At The Movie House rating *** stars

#5 Yankee Doodle Dandy - The all singing, all dancing James Cagney in the biography of America's songwriter George M. Cohan. At the Movie House rating **** stars

#6 The Patriot - Mel Gibson's ultra-violent American Revolution saga takes a page from the film Shenandoah and features a father who attempts to remain neutral in the war against England, until it lands on his doorstep. At The Movie House rating *** stars.

#7 Live Free Or Die Hard - Bruce Willis returned as Detective John McClaine in this 4th installment of the Die Hard Franchise. Much better than the third sequel and the first to be rated PG-13. The detective has toned down his language in his old age. At The Movie House rating **1/2 stars.

#8 Avalon - Barry Levinson's look at immigration, assimilation into the American way of life and the impact it has on the modern family. At The Movie House rating *** stars

#9 National Treasure - Nicholas Cage is a historian and treasure hunter who searches for a hidden treasure left by the founding father, with secret clues revealed on the back of the Declaration Of Independence. Far fetched entertaining nonsense. At The Movie House rating **1/2 stars

#10 Rollercoaster - marketed as a big time, all star, disaster film, this movie from 1977 is actually a well done suspense thriller. It relies heavily on the performances of George Segal and Timothy Bottoms who deliver the goods. One of four films to be marketed with "Sensurround". The other three were Earthquake, Midway and a theatrical version of Battlestar Galactica
At The Movie House rating **1/2 stars


Anonymous said...

I agree with your 4th of July ratings except in two instances...I don;t know what to rate Avaqlon because I fell asleep and had a dream I was at a boring movie....Independence Day, the hype and wait for the movie, 4 stars...the movie, 2 stars, just plain stupid,,,I think the Abyss was better...I know it was bad because it is always on TV and I can't look at it for more than 30 seconds...You once again are giving ratings because there was a movie experience.,,,Independence Day stunk...Want a good Sci-Fi, watch District Nine, powerful movie

Joe Fitzpatrick said...

Dear Anonymous,
Once again thank you for your comments. Once again I stand by my ratings. they are mine to give out and I will dispense the little stars as I see fit.

I do not separate the movie going experience from the movie. It is part of the fun. Independence Day was a big special effects filled summer blockbuster like we'd never seen before and it delivered the goods. The movie is fun, and it delivers everything it promises too.

I can't tell from your remarks if you are calling The Abyss stupide and boring and on TV too much or ID4, but Independence Day is a much better film than the Abyss.

You should try to watch Avalon again someday, a very good period drama.

I have seen District (. I raved about it on my facebook review last year. An excellent sci-fi picture and a nice allegory on aparthied. They are making a sequel