Saturday, September 11, 2010

365+ movies in 365 Days: Day 133 - Office Space

Office Space has been on my "must watch" list for years. I had numerous friends and co-workers tell me I had to see this movie and now I understand why. They didn't want me to see it because it is the funniest movie ever made, because it's not, but it is one of the most authentic comedies ever made.

The other day my roommate mentioned that he had to develop an elevator speech. Do you know what an elevator speech is? I learned the term about two years ago. An elevator speech is a two minute spiel about yourself. The idea is to imagine yourself in an elevator with someone who would hire you. You have two minutes to say something that will have a huge impact. What will you say? That's an elevator speech. That is also the latest trend sweeping corporate America. Along with mission statements, smart goals, Bhags, the five 'whys" and all the other stuff that companies come up with instead of treating employees with respect and paying them a decent wage. All of that type of nonsense is captured in the film Office Space.

From the opening scene when Peter Gibbons (Ron Livingston) is stuck in traffic and every lane seems to be moving except the one he is in, I knew this movie would have some very ironic things to say about life in the work place. The film takes place at a company called Initech. Peter goes to work each day hating his job. Each day is worse than the one before, so every day is the worst day of his life. When the company brings in efficiency experts to downsize the staff peter comes up with a plan to take revenge. Something that is every office drones dream.

Gary Cole does a superb job playing the callous, superficial division vice president. It appears his only function is to make Peter's life miserable. Jennifer Aniston plays Peter's girlfriend. She works nearby in a chain restaurant and has troubles of her won because she does not wear enough flair.

The film was written and directed by Mike Judge, famous for the animated TV series and movie Beavis and Butthead. It's far from a perfect film. It begins as a scathing satire against corporate America and turns into a sort of farce with a rather abrupt ending. The script may not be fully realized, and not every joke hits the mark, but it sure feels Judge has spent some time in a cubicle himself.

At the Movie House *** stars


Anonymous said...

I'd say 3 stars ia abou tright on this one...a good movie with some memorables (the guy who they keep moving around)...doesn't make you howl but does the job....however, if you want the real effect, simply stay home and watch The Office, which is a daily riot

Anonymous said...

I'd say 3 stars ia abou tright on this one...a good movie with some memorables (the guy who they keep moving around)...doesn't make you howl but does the job....however, if you want the real effect, simply stay home and watch The Office, which is a daily riot