Friday, November 12, 2010

365+ movies in 365 Days: Day 191 - Megamind

Megamind is a film that relies completely on the comic styling of Will Ferrel, and since he is one of the most successful comedians of modern times, that's not such a bad thing. This 3D animated feature from Dreamworks stars Will Ferrell as Megamind the nefarious and evil genius who threatens all of Metro City and news reporter Roxanne Ritchi (Tina Fey), in particular.

The film opens with Megamind plummeting to his death from and in a long flash back that starts with his departure from his doomed home planet, we learn how he arrived at this predicament. Along the way we learn about his nemesis Metro Man (Brad Pitt), the saviour of all humanity, and how their rivalry began. We are introduced to Titan, the newest superhero on the block, and we get to meet Minion (David Cross), Megamind's life long friend and evil minion.

The movie is highly entertaining, but extremely derivative. it borrows from Superman, Despicable Me and The Incredibles among others. The jokes are fast and furious most hit the target. The animation is terrific and like Despicable me, the film makes have a lot of fun with the 3D effects and make the upgrade worth wile.

It's clever enough so parents won't be bored and kids will love it.

At The Movie House rating **1/2 stars (add a star if you are 15 and under)

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