Friday, January 21, 2011

365+ Movies In 365 Days: Day 262 - Bigger Stronger Faster*

Bigger Faster Stronger* (*The Side Effects of Being American) is an outstanding documentary about steroid use in sports and the hypocrisy of American society that condemns there use but applauds success by any means.

The film explores steroid use by director Chris Bell and his brothers Mike and Mark. All three grew up admiring Arnold Schwarzenegger, Hulk Hogan and Sylvester Stallone, all of whom, it turns out, used steroids.  They believed body building and sports was the answer to achieving their American dream. And then they learned they needed to do steroids to achieve that dream.

The movie examines the mix message in how America views drugs, cheating and what people will do to be successful.

It examines the medias role in portraying athletes, advertising in the health industry and the multi-billion dollar unregulated supplement industry.

Bigger Stronger Faster is a thought provoking look at a very hypocritical system that applauds success at any means, until you are caught.

At the Movie House rating **** stars

Note - The Director's older brother Mike Bell died at the age of 39, about 11 months after this film was released. He had a history of substance abuse and was found dead at a Costa Mesa, California rehab facility on December 14, 2008. Knowing this made watching the film even more poignant.

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