Monday, July 4, 2011

The Green Lantern

The Green Lantern is the second of three super-hero movies coming out this summer. The special effects laden super-hero action picture has become a summer staple since Batman in 1989, and every year the studios search for a new character to launch a franchise with. The crash and burn pile is littered with the bodies of Dick Tracy, The Shadow, The Rocketeer, The Phantom and Daredevil. 

Fortunately for Warner Brothers The Green Lantern avoids death in his first outing. The film has made $101 million dollars in it's first 17 days of release so The Green Lantern may survive to appear in a sequel about three years from now.

The Green Lantern is not a terrible movie, it's just a terribly predictable movie. I had to control myself to not blurt out lines of dialogue or state obvious events that were about to happen. But at this point aren't all super-hero movies predictable? The film is a full blown summer popcorn picture, a spectacular show of sight and sound without a lot of substance. The substance that is there is found in the charm of Ryan Reynolds performance. As test pilot Hal Jordan and then later as the newly christened Green Lantern he brings a freshness and sincerity to the movie that rises above the predictable stuff.

Like any first super-hero film, the movie is bogged down with telling the origin of the super-hero and filling in a lot of back story which can slow down the pacing. Hopefully if Warner attempts a sequel, they can create a faster paced adventure for The Green Lantern with the same balance of action and comedy that worked for this film.

Once again the 3D technique is used to full advantage to add spectacular depth to the film, especially in the scenes on planet Oa and enhance the movie going experience.

if you enjoy super-hero movies, big summer action pics or you are under the age of 21 you'll have a fun time at The Green Lantern other wise you should skip this film and wait for Captain America later on this summer.

At The Movie House rating **1/2 stars - recommended with reservations

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