Sunday, August 15, 2010

365+ movies in 365 Days: Day 107 - Salt

Today's movie was Salt, playing at the Century Tanforan Theatre in San Bruno.

A good chase movie has to have a few things going for it. It has to have a good set up, the chase has to seem real, the person running has to get battered and bruised a bit, they can't make it look to easy and most of all it has to move fast. Salt meets these criteria. It has an outrageous plot about Russian sleeper agents out to destroy America, but the whole thing is told in a fast pace that makes it all seem credible enough that you suspend your disbelief for an hour and a half minutes.

Angela Jolie stars as Evelyn Salt a CIA agent who may or may not be a Russian assassin. She does many of her own stunts and that is what gives the film it's credibility. She shoots, fights, runs, jumps and climbs as any good super agent can.

Leiv Schreiber also stars as her boss who can't bring himself to believe that she is really a double agent. The whole film is a compact 100 minutes from start to finish and keeps you on the edge of your seat most of the time. The ending is left open for a sequel and I am sure the studio hopes, a franchise.

At The Movie House *** stars

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the review but I probably will not see this movie, there are literally hundreds of the same movie, they just keep coming one after another...this may cery well be a good chase movie but who needs it...hollywood ought to get back to making movies for people other than want a chase movie, watch the french has every form of chase conceived,,,from the plodding monotonous stakeout chases to the greaterst car chase in the history of film...on top of it a great story