Thursday, March 3, 2011

365+ Movies In 365 Days: Day 306 - Bambi

I am down to the final 60 days of my 365+ movies in 365 days. Finding time to watch movies and blog about them while working ad a manager in a movie theatre has proved challenging. It was much easier to watch movies and blog when I wasn't working. I wanted to do some blogging about this year's Oscar race, but couldn't mange the time. Oh well there's always next year. 

Today's movie is the Disney animated classic Bambi. When the new Walt Disney Museum opened in San Francisco I visited it and I was able to see the Multiplane Camera Disney invented to make Bambi. The camera is a marvel of invention and stands over three stories tall. While watching Bambi I was able to understand how the animator's created such stunning depth in each scene.

Bambi is newly released in Blu-ray HD and the color and sound are stunning. The film offers elements of Fantasia as the images and music are woven together to create a beautiful tapestry of sight and sound. The film still brings an emotional tear as Bambi loses his mom to the hunters and the  scenes between the two stags, Bambi and the dogs and the raging fire are stunning in their dynamic animation.

I know many people view Disney films as kids movies, but Walt Disney and his team created some of the most beautiful motion pictures of the 20th Century and Bambi is one of them. being able to see Bambi, Snow White, Sleeping Beauty and Fantasia and Pinocchio in such stunning clarity is reason enough to get a Blu-ray player.

At The Movie House rating **** stars

Bambi Through The Ages
The poster above is from the original 1942 release of Bambi. Between 1942 and 1988 Bambi was 
re-released to theatres multiple times. here are some of the posters used to market the film.






1980's and home video

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