Friday, March 18, 2011

365+ Movies In 365 Days: Day 317 - The China Syndrome

I noticed the Retroplex channel (part of the Starz network) was showing The China Syndrome and with the news from Japan fresh in my mind, I decided to take another look at this award winning film from the 1970's.

Released in March 1979 the films timing was credited with it's huge box office success. Twelve days after it's release the accident at Three Mile Island occurred and suddenly everyone was talking about nuclear reactors and nuclear accidents.  Since then there has been Chernobyl and now of course, Japan.

The movie does not necessarily say that nuclear energy is unsafe, but makes it clear that in the hands of for profit companies one can never be sure if the interests of public safety or the shareholders will come first.

What really holds up the film is the outstanding performances from Jack Lemmon and Jane Fonda. They are two great actors and marvelous together. Also outstanding  is Wilford Brimley in one of his great character roles. The China Syndrome is dated but still worth a look.

At the Movie House rating *** stars

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