Thursday, February 3, 2011

365+ Movies In 365 Days: Day 274 - Legion

Legion is an action/horror hybrid that does not really work. The premise is that God is upset with humans enough that he sends an army of angels to destroy us. But Arch-Angel Micheal understands God enough that he know that God must be prevented from using His wrath against the humans so he disobeys God and joins the humans in a fight to stop the apocalypse. The fight comes down to a stand-off in a small diner in the deserts of Nevada, where a woman is pregnant and her baby must be protected at all cost to save humanity.

The film has some interesting ideas and a few great visual moments, but it all gets lost in a mish-mash of theology, action and horror movie cliches. The cast, including Paul Bettany, Dennis Quaid and Charles S. Dutton turn in some strong performances but the film just falls apart under it's own unformed ideas.

At The Movie House rating ** stars

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