Sunday, February 20, 2011

365+ Movies In 365 Days: Day 294 - My Favorite Brunette

In the latter part of his career Bob Hope was best known for his TV appearances, USO shows, golfing and his emcee duties, in particular the Academy Awards TV special. but in his prime he was a popular and big box office movie star. he is most famous for the "Road" movies made with co-stars Bing Crosby and Dorothy Lamour. But Hope also starred solo in some very successful films including The Paleface, The Seven Little Foys, the Lemon Drop Kid and the highly successful My Favorite Brunette.

My Favorite Brunette was a spoof of popular film noir detective movies, in particular The Maltese Falcon. Hope is Ronnie Jackson a photographer who specializes in baby portraits. But Ronnie dreams of being a private detective just like his friend Sam (Alan Ladd in a cameo role) who works in the next office. One day while Sam is out of town and Ronnie's in his office a woman (Lamour) comes in looking to hire him to find her father and Ronnie is off and running impersonating Sam.

the story is told in flashback by Ronnie as he waits on death row in San Quentin. The film is full of Hopes commentary, one-liners and the best of his physical comedy. Lamour is his equal as the mysterious woman who plays straight man to his gags. Peter Lorre stars reprising the sinister role he made a career of playing and Lon Chaney plays Willie a character very similar to the role of Lennie he played in Of Mice And Men. 

Hope has few equals in timing and physical gags and he is at his best in My Favorite Brunette. The film also features a very funny cameo by host buddy Bing Crosby.

At The Movie House rating *** 1/2 stars

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