Sunday, May 2, 2010

365+ movies in 365 days: Day 1 - The Informant

The first film of my 365+ movies in 365 days was Steven Soderbergh's "The Informant". The film was chosen because we had recieved it from netflix a couple of weeks ago and it needed to be watched and sent back. Format - Blu-Ray disc.

I loved this film. Matt Damon gave an amazing turn as the executive that turns informant on his own company. I knew from reviews that this was going to be a dark comedy, rather than a straight forward drama, like Erin Brokevich, another Soderbergh film about corporate wrong doing.

It's an extremely dark comedy and it is very funny. The film operates on two different levels, the same way the main characters mind works. The voice over script as we listen to his thoughts is priceless.

I'm sorry I missed the film during its initial release in September 2009, but it is perfectly suited for home viewing. ***1/2 stars. Highly recommended.

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