Friday, June 4, 2010

35 years of Summer Blockbusters - June 2

June 2, 2006 - Four years ago Jennifer Aniston and Vince Vaughn starred in the romantic comedy The Break-Up. Instead of having a couple meet, argue then fall in love, this film has them already living together and then the arguing begins. Vaughn and Aniston worked well together as the bickering couple who can't seem to overcome their differences, yet seem meant for each other. the film was a hit with $118 million at the box office. At The Movie House rating **1/2 stars

June 2, 2000 - Ten years ago Martin Lawrence starred in the improbable hit Big Momma's House. Martin plays an FBI agent and master of disguise who goes under cover as a large elderly black lady, Big Momma. The critics hated it but audiences loved it. It had a production budget of $30 million and made $117 million just in U.S. ticket sales. At The Movie House rating **1/2 stars

June 2, 1995 - Fifteen years ago Clint Eastwood starred, directed and produced the movie adaptation of the best selling book The Bridges Of Madison County. The movie also starred Meryl Streep in another Academy Award nominated performance. The film was a huge hit and is considered one of the best films of the 1990's. At The Movie House rating **** stars.

June 2, 1989 - Twenty-one years ago Robin Williams starred in Dead Poets Society. This inspirational film about a poetry teacher at a boy's prep school earned Williams an Oscar nomination and introduced the Latin phrase "carpe diem" to the masses. At The Movie House rating ***1/2 stars

1 comment:

David Aaron Hahn said...

21 years ago?!? I am officially OLD. :(

The quality of "...Society's" cast is striking. Fascinating to chart the course of its members' careers.

I love the look of that film, as well as its soundtrack. I'm a sucker for films set in educational institutions.