Saturday, June 19, 2010

365+ Movies in 365 days: Day 50 -Toy Story 3

Took a break from the Spielberg film festival to go see Toy Story 3 in real 3-D at the AMC Metreon in San Francisco.

Third sequels are usually hard to get right. Many have been made and few have been good. Most exist simply as cash cows to rake in more cash from a spent movie idea. The bad ones come immediately to mind Superman 3, Die Hard 3, Jaws 3, Psycho 3, and Smokey and the Bandit 3 to name a few.

Then there are the ones that are entertaining, but make you long for the original such as Godfather III, Back To The Future III, Alien3, Spider-Man 3, Batman Forever and so on.

For all the sequels and film series that are made, there is a short list of movies that strike gold on the third installment; Son Of Frankenstein, Goldfinger, Star Wars Episode VI: Return Of The Jedi, Indiana Jones And The Last Crusade and Lord Of The Rings; The Return Of The King are on that list. And now you can add Toy Story 3.

The continuing adventures of Woody, Buzz, Jessie and the gang of animated toys is a delightful wonder. Pixar has made these characters come to life to make us laugh, touch our hearts and look at our own mortality.

It's been 15 years since the original Toy Story and Andy, the boy who owns the toys, has grown up and is leaving for college. While packing up his room he needs to decide what to do with all his old toys. Through a series of mis-adventures they end up at a day care center and must break out and find there way back home to Andy before he leaves for school.

The film is hilarious, exciting, heart warming and exceedingly clever. There are new characters including a Ken (Michael Keaton) doll for Barbie and a Lots-O-Huggins Bear (Ned Beatty) who is the head toy at the day care center.

The film is a rousing adventure from start to finish, but it's the last 15 minutes that will put a tear in your eye as the writers find a way to close out the story, but allow the toys to live, to play again.

Like the film Up the 3-D adds depth and gives the film an real world feel, but the glasses dim the brightness of the film so it's up to you if you want to experience it in 2-D, 3-D or Imax 3-D

At the Movie House rating ****stars.

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