Thursday, June 10, 2010

365+ movies in 365 days: Day 41 - The African Queen

Today I watched the African Queen on Blu-Ray. The film was restored by paramount in 2009 and it never looked better. I have watched this film a few times, but it's probably been about 20 years since I last saw it.

The studio did an excellent job with the restoration. The colors are so vivid and on Blu-ray the picture was extra sharp. Because of the quality you can really tell what parts of the movie were filmed in Africa and which parts were done in a studio.

Back in 1950 it was rare for a film like this to be made on location. But by filming on location the film a sense of realism that so many films from that period lacked. Humphrey Bogart and Katherine Hepburn are wonderful. They find the chemistry that makes their characters work individually and together. Bogart won is only acting Oscar for this role. At The Movie House rating **** stars

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