Tuesday, June 29, 2010

365+ Movies in 365 Days: Day 59 - Empire Of The Sun

Today's movie was Empire Of the Sun, Steven Spielberg's ninth full length feature film and his second box office disappointment. The film was widely hailed by critics as a triumph but movie goers did not line up to see it. Many reviews listed it as the best film of the year and it went on to receive multiple Academy Award nominations. But for the second time in a row the Academy failed to nominate Spielberg for best Director.

The film is a visual splendor, with an excellent script and outstanding performances by Christian Bale and John Malckovich, yet despite all that I never fully connect with the film. It does not move me in the way other Spielberg films do. I don't know if it's the pacing, or perhaps the boys humanity is lost during the horror of war and that is why we can't connect with his adventure. The boy shows great admiration for the Japanese air force and their pilots and maybe it is this mix of confused loyalties that keeps the viewer emotionally distant. I don't know I have seen the film three times, once in the theatre, and twice on home video, and each time I have the same reaction. The film is made by a master craftsman, but somehow at the end it doesn't pay off.

At The Movie House rating ***1/2 stars


Anonymous said...

Again, I question your rating system...if you read your review of this movie, which by the way was well written and very accurate, one would think oyu would give the film two stars or 2.5...but then you see that you gave it a 3.5...How could a movie that you have obvious troubloe connecting with earn three stars...speaking of missing connections...This movie was not a very good film or story but the settings were magnificent...It is a 3 star movie at best...If oyu feel it is a 3.5, then you should have written a better review...I think your reviews are excellent but you cannot seem to get away from excessive ratings...I suggest you actually watch a one star movie and then blast it and give it what it deserves...I apologize for typos but I have a 2nd grade education.

Would like to see a review of There will be Blood

Thank you and keep up the good work

Anonymous said...

Again, I question your rating system...if you read your review of this movie, which by the way was well written and very accurate, one would think oyu would give the film two stars or 2.5...but then you see that you gave it a 3.5...How could a movie that you have obvious troubloe connecting with earn three stars...speaking of missing connections...This movie was not a very good film or story but the settings were magnificent...It is a 3 star movie at best...If oyu feel it is a 3.5, then you should have written a better review...I think your reviews are excellent but you cannot seem to get away from excessive ratings...I suggest you actually watch a one star movie and then blast it and give it what it deserves...I apologize for typos but I have a 2nd grade education.

Would like to see a review of There will be Blood

Thank you and keep up the good work

June 29, 2010 3:30 PM

Joe Fitzpatrick said...

Hmm. Thanks for posting twice. The fact that I didn't connect with the film does not change the fact that it is extremely well made. As I have said I have seen it three times and I was completely absorbed each time. The acting by a young Christian Bale is great. And the script by Tom Stoppard is spot on. It's enormous subject to tackle, from the camps and the arial raids to the chaos of Shangai when the Japanese invade and Spielberg makes it all work. He has a team of people who are the best at what they do; music, editing, art design, cinemotography, sound, lighting, visual effects, and he pulls them all together to make great movies.

Just because I did not connect with the themes of separation and loss of innocence does not take away from how well the film is made. It's not an A+, but it's definetly and A so I stand by my ***1/2 stars.

For films that I have seen before I tend to give more of a commentary than a full blown review.

Anonymous said...

Your addendum speaks much more highly of the movie and seems to tie thye rating more to the review. Based on that assesment, I agree with your rating...However, I stand by my earlier point that oyu seem to generous with ratings and your love of movies seems to hinder your ability to give a lousy rating. Be that as it may, I certainly enjoy your blog.
