Thursday, June 17, 2010

365+ Movies in 365 days: Day 48 -Raiders Of The Lost Ark

The Spielberg film festival continues with his second masterpiece Raiders of The Lost Ark. The film was based on an idea Lucas had written down before he made Star wars. During a chance meeting with Spielberg, who were both on vacation in Hawaii, the partnership that would result in Raiders was born.

The film is a true collaboration of some of the best talent working in Hollywood in 1980. Besides Lucas and Spielberg you have the Lawrence Kasdan writing the screenplay, John Williams creating the music, Michael Kahn as film editor, Douglas Slocombe as cinematographer and Harrison Ford in the leading role. The result is cinematic masterpiece.

The film is pitch perfect in it's tone with just the right balance of action, drama, humor, suspense, thrills, romance and horror. When it premiered in 1981 it was unlike anything audiences had seen before. Unlike James Bond, Indiana Jones didn't always succeed and quite frequently was not even sure of what he was doing "I don't know, I'm making this up as I go along". He was a hero that bled quite a bit in the pursuit of the treasure and the girl.

The movie works so well because everything in the film works to serve the story. From the humorous moments like the Hitler saluting monkey and the deadly coat hanger, to the big action set pieces such as the market square fight and the truck chase, everything is part of a cohesive whole. The film was an instant classic created by the two men who would become the biggest names in Hollywood.

At The Movie House rating **** stars

note - due to the release of three sequels the film is now also known as Indiana Jones And The Raiders Of The Lost Ark.

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