Saturday, May 15, 2010

365+ movies in 365 days: Day 14 - Pocahontas

This evening we viewed Walt Disney's Pocahontas. It took us moment to catch our breath when we realized that this film is already fifteen years old. My how time flies! This film was Disney's follow up to the mega-successful Lion King, and while it did not fair as well at the box office, it reached new heights in artistic achievement. The Disney team worked with a beautiful color palette to bring the story and legends surrounding Pocahontas to life. This was Disney's first film based on a real person and they endeavored to be respectful of her native American background.

The film has a wonderful musical score by Alan Menken, with lyrics by Stephen Schwartz. The film won the Oscar for best score and for best song, Colors Of The Wind. The song also went on to win a Golden Globe and a Grammy. The music and the animation are just two of the highlights of this wonderful film.

At The Movie House rating ***1/2 stars.


David Aaron Hahn said...

Your posting prompted me to purchase Vanessa Williams's rendition of "Colors...."

Joe Fitzpatrick said...

the original music video with Vanessa was a dvd extra and we watched it after the movie.