Wednesday, May 19, 2010

365+ movies in 365 days: Day 18 - Shrek2

The "Shrek-athon" continued with a screening of Shrek 2. Shrek 2 is one of those sequels that is able to capture the magic of the first film, but still be different enough to make it enjoyable and not feel like a re-hash. In Shrek 2 this is achieved by adding some great new characters, such as Puss In Boots, Fairy Godmother and Prince Charming. Once again it's the tale of an Ogre trying to fit in and this time meet the in-laws. There are even more pop culture references in this film. The film spoofs everything from Spider-Man to Starbucks and includes cameos by Joan Rivers and a tribute to Justin Timberlake. These are all great fun, but it makes me wonder how the film will play two or three generations from now. Disney animated classics appeal to new generations because they are so timeless.
At The Movie House rating ***1/2 stars

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