Friday, May 21, 2010

365+ movies in 365 days: Day 20 - The Young Philadelphians

Tonight I screened the Warner Bros melodrama The Young Philadelphians starring Paul Newman.
It tells of the scandals, secrets and lies of Philadelphia high society, essentially Peyton Place goes to law school. Paul Newman plays Anthony J. Lawrence, a young lawyer who seems willing to do anything to gain success. With drive and a sense of idealism he tries to make his way in Philadelphia society as he studies to be an attorney. But he soon learns there is only one way to get ahead, and that's by using everyone you can on the way up. Before he loses everything he once dreamed of, he finds redemption defending a friend on murder charges.

Based on the book The Philadelphians, Warner Bros changed the title and marketed it as one of the popular "angry young man" films of the day. At The Movie House rating *** stars

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