Wednesday, May 5, 2010

365+ movies in 365 days: Day 5 - Sixteen Candles

I decided to screen "Sixteen Candles" after posting last night that I had never seen this film. For many of my friends Sixteen Candles is an iconic film of their youth. They rave about it and can't believe I have never seen it. I was a teenager in the 70's so I don't have the same sensibility about the 80's thing. Becuase of my friends praise I probably went into the film with higher expectations than I normally would have, which would explain why I was so disappointed.

I felt that there was a really funny true life comedy in the middle of this movie, it but it was surrounded by a mess of over the top cheap laughs. This was the first film John Hughes directed and he went for too many laughs at the expense of the characters behavior and the story he was telling. Molly Ringwalds and Anthony Micheal Hall are excellent in their roles and it is always a pleasure to watch Paul Dooley work his craft. I felt the character of Long Duk Dong, played by Gedde Wantanabe, was shoe horned into the story for comic relief and didn't really work.

Over all I felt the film might have appealed to me more if I was 16 and back in 1984. At The Movie House rating ** stars


Anonymous said...

I've sent several comments and you have not responded. If you like i will send them again.

anyway, I am looking forward to your greatest war movie article. i like the genre better than any other

Joe Fitzpatrick said...

I just received my copy of Saving Private Ryan on Blue-Ray. perhaps there will need to be a war movie discussion.