Tuesday, May 25, 2010

365+ movies in 365 days: Day 24 - Nine

Newly released on Blu-ray I took another look at Rob Marshall's Nine this evening. The movie has some great music and visuals, and the energy really pics up during the musical numbers, but the intervening parts, when the weight of the movie is carried by Daniel Day Lewis is when it breaks down.  He somehow lacks the charm or passion of a great Italian film director. It's like he thought looking scruffy, wearing sun glasses and smoking would carry the part. He seemed to Have no artistic temperament even has he struggled with his mid-life crisis and creative block. The movie is chock full of stars, some in small roles, but the star at the center is a black hole. For this movie, the parts are greater than the whole.
At The Movie House rating  **1/2 stars

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