Saturday, May 22, 2010

365+ movies in 365 days: Day 22 - Beast From 20,000 Fathoms

Today we recreated a classic Saturday Night at the movies by viewing the Warner Bros. film The Beast From 20,000 Fathoms. This was the first movie to combine the fear of the atomic age and giant monsters. It's success spawned Godzilla, Them, Gorgo and countless other giant monster movies. The monster was created by the great Ray Harryhausen and this was the first film where he had complete artistic control over the special effects.

The movie tells the story of a giant prehistoric monster frozen in the Arctic, set free by nuclear testing. The monster follows the Arctic current which leads it right to NYC. After attacking Wall Street, it winds up on Coney island, where it is killed with a deadly radioactive isotope.

The film was a big hit and a monster movie staple on television for years to come. Dated now in the age of CGI and a bit talky in the middle, it's still better than 1998's Godzilla.
At the Movie House rating **stars (plus one star for nostalgia)

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